Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

die scum

/vote @Shurian You have been summoned

What if there are other Neuts using a surv claim

I’m like 99.9% that statement could have to do with something something or they are scum

Btw no one check twilight

Kill on sight twilight if possible

This is such a bad stance. We might as well “check” everyone.

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That statement reeked of trying to buddy with twilight ngl

If there are multiple Survivor claims, then that’s where I cast more doubt on the claim

Wait is there another damn event going on that I’ve invariably missed out on?

-event 3-

8 people
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Sorry for short post, still fighting technical difficulties.

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@Kirefitten keep list of 8 people up to date plz.






Is there a chance of death though?



Fuck this

I wish

I got screwed out of the first fucking event and now this shite happens