Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

I’m not sure lol

My scumreading is shit

I want to take 30% chance its scumkitten and lynch fk


So explain it what about livicus exactly bothers you

no read the thread I’m bussing right now shush

take the free mafia

I’m still kinda sus of this tho. Pushing FK no response, didn’t read thread,

Who’s scummier

Luxy or livicus

Voted Voters Number
No vote GamerPoke, aa-dono, Solic, Livicus, Astand, PokemonKidRyan, Insanity, Lightsin, PoisonedSquid, Marluxion, Scattered_Mind, MaximusPrime, Isaac, Shurian, Margaret, Zone_Q11 16/11
Livicus Firekitten, Twil1ight, BlueStorm 3/11
Zone_Q11 NinjaPenguin 1/11
Firekitten Luxy 1/11

Majority has been reached. No vote has been lynched!


Re reading livi is still a bit null

But Luxy

eyes exe button

For a sec I thought somone used time skip ability and day ended.

I think lightsin is scum tbh

Why are you taking rvs so seriously :eyes:


Explain why livicus is null to you

The thing I don’t like is how he said you were scummier then livicus

I can’t say more about why he’s scum due to X Y AND Z

@lightsin I’m waiting :thinking:

5D chess huh?

no this is more of a psylogical mechanical stuff

