Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Be patient, I’m still writing mine

You were quite adamant against me

@NinjaPenguin if livicus is town do you see max as flipping scum? The thing is that I think max knows livicus IS town and that’s why he asked if he cleared himself. As well, since livicus scunslipped max would want to know HOW if he wasn’t scum and that’s why he thought neutral.

I am with the scumslipper on this one.

For the fourth time or so: Just lynch the guy.

Ignoring your shift of topic, why would you think so? Do you have an ability to see who is town or not or was it your experience and gut feelings?

In other words: Nothing substantial?

Hey Mr. Non-Pessimist. This is not a read. Also, at least give me a scumlean. I want to belong to Marl’s alignment in everyone’s readlist.

I’m lynching him don’t worry


I’m trying to get him to do something

I’m really confused about your standing

you don’t have a lot of town motivation but you seem ready to give up

Litten, our forums has a bad habit of ignoring lurkers

let’s fix that

Why the heck did they join if they didn’t want to actually play

What a coincidence, me too! :smile:

Humu. Good. Good post. Preparing for what happens if X flips [alignment]. Good…
By the way, is he going to be the main target of D2 if Livicus flip town, or can I get lynched somehow?

you could probably die in an event

@Shurian @GamerPoke @Insanity @Scattered_mind @aa-dono @astand @Luxy @MaximusPrime

There could be a power that lets multiple lynches happen

Go away

literally play the game

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Poke, you were caught taking someone’s orbs

what do you have to say for yourself

You are not the first.

Give up? I prefer to call it “preparing for the worst”.
(Small jokes aside, I thought you would understand that from my early posts.)
By the way, what is “town motivation” and how is it any different from “progressive motivation”? Is there a “scum motivation” too? Can I have that one?

Alright then
Livicus - Scum - Scumslipped and tends to try to derail topics onto other players. Seems to be interested in a Twi lynch just because of the survivor claim
Twi - Neutral - Survivor claim, so not a heavy focus for now
Firekitten - Townlean - Leading the town with high motivation
Max - Light scumlean - Seems to be defending Livi despite his scumslip and has not been helpful
PKR - Townlean - Also has a bit of motivation and goes deep into others’ posts
Zone - Light Townlean - Tone is townie and motivation is on a good level

That’s as much as I can do for now since I’m heading over to my Mom’s place in a few minutes

Happy, Livi?

Ha funny, I have zero orbs

squid why do you always make me want to lynch you

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