Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled

Twil1ight is still leaving me hanging.

This feels like highschool around prom season again

Max literally do something


She said yes




Ping me when you find someone to work with, then I will add you up.

This is a yes to being online, not to being partners.

wanna pair up then

This was a joke by the way. We donā€™t have prom over here.

No Max, you hate me.

i honestly donā€™t remember any games iā€™ve been in with you now ngl

@BlueStorm I know many people say that people are coached but I donā€™t trust half the people or even more in the playerlist to coach someone to play scum

If anything I think itā€™s the way they handle playing the game and if they are scum I think I have a way to get used to it

*sips tea :tea:

Then whatā€™s the point of asking if you donā€™t want pair with me?

Huh? No I do want to pair with you.


/join with Twil1ight

How about hmm

people not part of the usual playerbase

(I understand though that you make a valid point and I would do some serious reading into Zone/Ninja before coming to conclusions)

*draws scythe
Better be around during the event.

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stop assuming people coach others lol

people are way too lazy for that except maybe ninja

Short Fuse and CFM triangle mafia.

Trust me

All Iā€™m good for is hypothesising Town into disgusting mislynches

half the time I shouldnā€™t be listened to

(vietnam flashbacks to causing the deaths of Sam/Solic)