Fire Emblem Heroes FM - Game Thread - Integrity Breach - Canceled



Not as motivated speech intensifies.

Honestly I wouldnā€™t touch more on it but Marlā€™s not in the groove. Really out of the groove. I remember one post that pinged me but looking back at it >_< Marlā€™s posts are all in line with his non-serious attitude

Livicus is a very possible neutral. Showing town intentions only occured after he came back the next day. (Maybe he was tired?)

I voted him for ā€œnot town, possible enemy.ā€
Now I donā€™t know. Until someone else comes up, I think I put my vote there as a placeholder.

idgaf and ur not hosting any games any time soon so go ahead and blacklist me from games you host if you want

if ur really THIS salty for me ignoring you then you should gtfo and cry somewhere else

Rip Maxi ā€œdieā€ and ā€œkilledā€ are two different things in FM English

k max
Get more salty why donā€™t you for being useless

Oi, oi break it up

No fighting or to the corner for both of you


youā€™re right i should go die myself

Iā€™m doing something shush

No FK, you went too far


I donā€™t think I went far enough just be quiet for a second

itā€™s like heā€™s mad at me for reading him as scum for not trying

wonder why

That statement was rude as hell

Now dont make me seperate you two by force

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Look at what you done
You went full ā€œhey man no one is being serious so imma be serious and lets see ah Maxi here we go lemme trigger him to the ends of the earth go die Maxiā€

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No way man
I donā€™t approve and lost all respect for you

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Iā€™m getting Squid vibes from this


Iā€™m just done with max

Heā€™s literally pissed me off and I realized something.

I try to be nice to him but heā€™s always rude back whenever someone pushes on him. Then I realized, WHY DOES HE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE MAD WHEN HE DOESNT EVEN TRY

Complain post game,
By complaining here, you make the FM environment unsuitable

making us waste time difussing the situation

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Anyhow, Margaret got a partner?

Iā€™m mostly trying to make max realize why Iā€™m mad and that he needs to actually try

Well we can ask him nicer

or spam ping