I want a post restriction
How inactive are we talking about here
Not that kind, but like changing how I speak
not fates 2 but it’ll do
since the roles are infinite can I be here to only hm place votes?
Funny that you say that right as I join
lol 70 players? Has this been done before?
Pug’s attemped royale had 10 players, but other players tried suggesting 100.
Edited due to my forgetful memory
Sounds like pure chaos
Don’t worry, I advertised this game on MU, I’m sure we can have more people here
Is there a link? I want to see
Is that the definition of epic fail?
press f to pay respects
Hi I’ve apparently been kidnapped by eevee and forced into playing this game as a player and not a sub.
Laying down my slank cover until Day 3/4 because I definitely do not have the ability to be super active until mid-late December.