Firekitten Ask Me Anything

What was your favorite forum mafia game that you’ve been a player as?

Pokebeach bastard village when I claimed to be agent X.

When did you stop making blank threads

I don’t remember

What game is that? I need to see that.

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Is your IRL name as boring as Ian Stewart?

fuck off :fu:


I can’t tell if a name is boring or not I would ask a professional if I were you

That was pretty rude tbh

no really

I know what your name is orange

No as in it’s very untrue

We have an olympian, several famous athletes, several distinguished military officers, a famous mathematician, and even a Rolling Stone

fire or kitten


That doesn’t make it an unboring name, it just means some famous folk have had it.


Fight me

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no u

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Who is the best pokemon and why is it popplio?