Flock of wolves - Red wolves win!




This game is nightless as such there are no timers
When a player gets the majority of votes they die and flip immediately. When someone gets majority you may not talk until they flip
The game ends when any single Wolf team controls 50% or greater of the votes at once or when all wolves are eliminates. If 2 wolf teams achieve this at the same time then everyone loses
There are no private chats of any kind
There is no way to die besides being lynched

To Join

To join, simply express interest in joining by saying something like ā€œI want to joinā€ or ā€œ/joinā€ or ā€œ/inā€ or ā€œsign me up, coachā€ or whatever you want


Role cards


Your weapon is your vote. Watch out, you are out numbered. Trust no one

Goal: Eliminate all of the werewolves

Red Wolf

The wolves outnumber the town but that doesnā€™t mean you can stop hiding. Your partner is [REDACTED].

Goal: Control 50% of the votes before any other wolf team does

Blue Wolf

The wolves outnumber the town but that doesnā€™t mean you can stop hiding. Your partner is [REDACTED].

Goal: Control 50% of the votes before any other wolf team does

Yellow Wolf

The wolves outnumber the town but that doesnā€™t mean you can stop hiding. Your partner is [REDACTED].

Goal: Control 50% of the votes before any other wolf team does

Red Wolf
Red Wolf
Blue Wolf
Blue Wolf
Yellow Wolf
Yellow Wolf


  1. @Geyde - Alive
  2. @Marluxion - Alive
  3. @PoisonedSquid - Alive
  4. @Mercenary - Alive
  5. @Wazza - Alive
  6. @Reaper - Alive
  7. @Kirefitten - Alive
  8. @Isaac_Gonzalez - Alive
  9. @DatBird - Alive
  10. @CetaComputer - Alive

Day 1ĢøĶ†Ķˆ Start



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Multiball lets go

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Damn RIP for anybody who will roll Villager in this setup.

Place your bets. Will people fake wolf or villager?

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Itā€™s a nightless game :smile:

They will fake Wolfvillager.


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Just clarifying. Most people havenā€™t played Nightless

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Iā€™ll get villager lul

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But yeah. Given random lynches I would expect all 4 factions to have a roughly equal winrate

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Iā€™m joining since I might be dead in one of my other games :confused:

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hi Iā€™m in



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D1 people would fake claim wolf. Itā€™s unwise to fake claim villager at this stage, as wolves would want to get rid of a town right away so they donā€™t get majority.

D2 is either wolf or villager

villas donā€™t win with majo tho

But the first wolf to be read to be a villager is the one who gets to decide who getā€™s lynched.

Since if a wolf gets the villagers to vote with them they can lynch an enemy wolf (6 is majority)

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I mean. They win with the largest faction

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