[FM] 2d3 II - Title Game - Mafia Concedes

/vote MaximusPrime

I have my reasons.

/vote Magnus

@Magnus why u scum

Accused Votes
BlueStorm Isaac_Gonzalez
Simon MaximusPrime
Isaac_Gonzalez Simon, Magnus
Icibalus H_Hjasik
MaximusPrime Icibalus
Magnus Hippolytus

cause i called you and simon out as scum correctly? no thx

this vote count is ATROCIOUS (as in our votes are all over the place ur all good solic)

like seriously

this is so bad

someone do an in depth analysis of this canā€™t rn at school

unvote isaac i believe simon is scum over him

you guys are really unmotivated for this title cā€™mon are you seriously going to make me carry like iā€™m probably the worst player on this site ffs


lolreactiontests, Maxi is village, good day.

No but seriously, that was actually a reaction test. /unvote. I figured that only wolf!Maxi would be actively looking for reaction tests. The fact that Maxi reacted in a way that suggested he was naive to the reactiontest suggests that heā€™s village, because if he was village and spotted the reaction test heā€™d call me out on it, and heā€™s definitely a self-aware enough player to know thatā€™s his village meta.

Yeh, Iā€™m aware.

Accused Votes
BlueStorm Isaac_Gonzalez
Simon MaximusPrime
Isaac_Gonzalez Simon, Magnus
Icibalus H_Hjasik
Magnus Hippolytus

Why is Isaac the largest wagon here? Is here something Iā€™m missing?

Anyway Magnus has had time to recover and post content suggesting heā€™s not scum

/vote Magnus

I also am kicking myself for being not as invested as I wish to be in this game.

But you know, hardly anythingā€™s happened or is happening.

hey noobs

/vote magnus no

thats so meta

Isaac itā€™s the truth. I trust Simon because I know him.

Besides, I know itā€™s meta, but the fact of the matter is that I can tell Isaac is scum and Simon is town.