[FM] 2d3 II - Title Game - Mafia Concedes

Oh heck this setup is beyond villagesided at a fundamental level.

They fell into a newbie trap of white knighting a suspicious player for bad reasons.

Or Mountainous.

Or MoUnTaInOuS aRsOn

Whatā€™s that?

Mountainous but the wolf factional kill is a day douse with a 3-shot night ignite
itā€™s basically mountainous but designed to give the villagers even less info

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Agree wholeheartedly.

Although we should all vote Isaac for MVP for memes

Because the reason why wolves always get stomped on this site is because people arenā€™t good wolves, not because people are good villagers.

Mountainous Arson would bridge that gap as it gives the wolves a fair advantage, forcing villagers out of their comfort zone.

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Where has the setup been run?

Iā€™d like to take a look at it :eyes:

Again totally agree.

it was run on MU, origiinally as a meme, but it turned out to be extremely fun despite expectations
lemee get the link

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Wolves only win here when:

  • Carried by extremely good player (Fk/etc)
  • Town self destructs by their own volition
  • Hippo rolls scum :^)

But some games prove alternatives to be true. Iā€™d say games like Auction Maf go to show that wolves on this site can actually get their own footing w/o a carry

it also features possibly the greatest flavor text Iā€™ve seen in a mafia game

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Scum is best alignment CMV

like not as good overall as starship enphiron
but ONE particular flavor is just god-tier

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Iā€™m reading the first few posts and am already interested :slight_smile:


Shoot Icibalus


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Also @Solic @PoisonedSquid having tied votes result in RNG lynch in a comp setting probably is a bad idea

Iā€™ll be here shortly (like 90 minutes) to comment, but Iā€™ll take that as Ici officially conceding.

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