[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I am making sure as I seem to be left in the most confusing spot in this game.

DB you know exactly what i claimed.
i am vt.
because the faction named “mafia” is taking the role of the town here, therefore i am a vt
the faction named “town” is something else, as-of-yet undetermined

whats your wincon can i ask. i dont know the answer in advance, this isnt a test

And if your VT you should be claiming no ability mafia Traitor.

Exact same as yours however I need to eliminate threats to the town instead of threats to the mafia.

im claiming vt because thats what my role (not role as in rolecard. role as in someone’s role in a play) here is.

Uhhhh I don’t understand, elaborate.
It looked like you said I claimed VT because I know someone else is VT.
VT means Vanilla Town
No ability means you have no ability.

yes. i have no abilities whatsoever, you are correct

only thing is a passive talking about how the “mafia” faction is uninformed

So you have a red Rolecard telling you your other members don’t know who you are and you don’t know who they are. Correct?

Wait that seems werid…
As didn’t arete have to risk outing to say that info?

yeah. thats what vt means here man


i havent read the first 1500 posts beyond what eevee has posted and what apprentice has posted, so i have no idea what your referring to

It’s still not called “VT” but fine.

Are you a Waifu?

Cosplyer or somethinf

This post annoys me only because it’s not referring to me when it say DB. Drybones I oughta.

Wanna fite M8?

it is a fucking vt as i am a part of this games town (because the faction named “mafia” is this game’s town, and yes i say this despite the presence of the faction named “town”) and i have no abilities