[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Recent info from Eevee.

And again, the less WIFOM we can create for ourselves, the better.

no because it was pretty obvious

This has been answered like 300 times. Just catch up

yeah well i havent been here that long and i just figured it out, and i remembered people were theorycrafting so i figured i could ask

Theres no theory it is known

thats just a theory

a game theory

thanks for watching


I haven’t posted my thoughts on this yet. I think a flipless kill is very dangerous in this closed setup. I know Squid brought up the idea that all kills might be flipless but I find that incredibly unlikely with the OP being worded the way it is. If there is someone who is an outed wolf or completely uninveseted at playing whatsoever I think we should be open to using it, but I’d prefer not to make someone flipless if we can help it.

Also another thought is that we might not have any standard lynches this game and it might all depend on the theme. This is from “Justified punishment will depend on special rules for given in-game day.” in the OP. We might not ever get a truly “standard” lynch in this setup

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no im not reading the 1500 posts

yes, but as i said, there was theorycrafting, so i asked if it was still unknown, and i was replying to a post that told me it wasnt unknown, so i was explaining why i asked.

Why not?

because its 1500 posts, thats a lot for me, and it would take up too much time for me

not to mention, after notable information was told to me, its only come up a few times. it will be fine

We might get another event if we vote Arete in as president soon enough. The day does end when the kill is used, but eevee didn’t say there wouldn’t be more events.

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while im opposed to using a flipless kill

i do want this day to end sooner rather than later…


thats actually a good idea, and after Arete is elected we can see what their plan is with the kill, im still under the mindset it should be used as a slank vig, but I can see why you guys dont want it to be used as its no real info. I just find that getting rid of no posters is gonna happen now or later whenever the itas come on.

can andrej just sub in so we can kill them

Katze Katze 1 / 15
Arete Dat, Derps, Arete, Cloned, Squid, Apprentice, DryBones, Mist, an_gorta, Hippo, astand, BlueStorm, KyoDaz 13 / 15
Astand Jgoes 1 / 15
TL Zone 1 / 15

sad katze noises

/best girl Arete

im not happy about this

should we just get the vote over with
also don’t mind my repeatedly tabbing in and out from a game to see if there were any new posts

just hammer it italy

nobody else will win, i think even if an IC revealed it’d be too late now lol

/best girl arete
