[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Is it?

I don’t think you can solve this if you didn’t study linear algebra in college at the very least, I was operating on distant memories of it to google stuff I needed to remember.

To not be off-topic, I think at the very least Alice’s few posts are at least line up with my own views, so that’s maybe a decent look? As far as you can possibly gather from what we have.

figure it out, that is the problem

not as far as i can tell, at least

anime never takes place in colleges
only high schools

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[quote=“Surge, post:2108, topic:81017”]

hey @ChopChop and @Simon what did you do to catch up without reading all this fluff

dont ask me, im the one saying i wont read what is my backlog

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Threatening staff may result in expulsion.

Earlier Apprentice claimed that village/mafia were the good guys and the bad guys were waifu/cosplayer. Does scum have a different meaning in this case?

Okay hosts aren’t answering my questions so I’ll just go sleep.

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i don’t think you should be giving college level homework for high school level classes


endless screaming into the abyss

Is T[s] a function? @orangeandblack5

In b4 there is some genius in scum team who solved this in 1.5 minutes, like it happened in OPMash chess questions where there was no point even participating.

What if the twist is all the nerds who know it and give the correct answer get killed

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refers to the transformation, T, on s

this is like asking someone in 2nd grade to spell the word onomatopoeia

i like this concept

When you thought you were good at math and then you get this

(I’ll understand this problem eventually just gimme a few years to get to it)

time to ask reddit for help