[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Thats What i’ve said for last 20 min



so does this count the first event of remembering the OP?

And this is why I’m glad Totty has graduated from high school -_-

Ok then I can reread ur iso, im sick of fighting. During the mean time, please read thread, please give me ur three scummiest people. At this point im so sick of fighting and just want to relax

Like, this is basically why I’ve been talking about why I’m SR’ing Boss. It doesn’t feel as he’s getting to the point and it looks like he’s basically doing it for an audience.

I cant it’s 3 am here And I need to wake up at 8 am

You have 20 hours.

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Quick question, why were you TR’ing Boss?

Well get some sleep then. U got 20 ish hours alice says. I want reads or I think ur poe. Prove me wrong

Read iso

I don’t care. I’m not taking a stance in this debate, I’m ending it. And I’m ending it by asking you to show me what content you’ve made

Thats a very fence stance on sulit. I have played like four games with this dude and dont know meta, but this fence sitting isn’t looking good. I know a lot of people have been on board for pushing Sulit for lynch but she has been like totally forgettable imo this game. Im gonna have to read into her as I couldnt tell ya a thing she did or pushed

I said I will so u do ur part as well

IIRC, linear algebra usually comes after MVC and for non-stem degrees usually at most Calculus I is the highest math you need, so this is basically something only engineers and science majors took. I understand it since I did CS back in uni, but most people here will probably need help doing it.

I need some food, be back in a bit.

It’s working!

These are the main content posts other than her saying she is mafia as her first post. She pushes on Ici and Simon. @Emilia when you wake up and fully catch up I want to discuss these two with you more.

Thats probably not a thing to be proud about