[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Yes but you know what’s easier for people unfamiliar with the concept to grasp?

The number line and graphs

On a second read through I didn’t get the feeling that I thought I had before might be misremembering people meaning am gonna have to reread some people later however.

While I think Squids posts in general are okay in most ways their reactions to town and mafia being flipped feels off to me as I know that is the case. If we get info that the Scum team knew about these Alignments before the game squid is where I would look first for this but agree they shouldn’t be killed in the current moment.

Still don’t agree with them being town core however town read yes. Because of their reactions to Town/Mafia and they keep saying against instead of win with I take it as they either want to get distrust in Apprentice and on that such myself.

(I think that says what I want it to.)

i almost submitted korin if it makes you feel better

Event 3 started which is literally answering two linear algebra problems

Wait why isn’t Apprentice on this town core list?

because I’m Mafia

Eh, nothing he posted screams of village.

However he gave the most important info so fair maybe aside from Arete.

Any comment on that?

But two people picked SAO, of all things.

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Easily done as a wolf, plus it doesn’t advance our wincon by much.

Lynch me if you want, but I don’t kill.

this is an oddly specific defense?

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It does heavily do you know how bloody confused I was before that point.

I can into thread of a bunch of people saying they are Mafia openly and i am God dam town.

There has to be more out there that was in a similar situation and were confused.

It is, but it’s true. I am not the bad guy here.

Pretty sure I already made a post on why I think what App do is very townie.

I will admit that I am in the same spot.

Are you Town or Mafia.


Green or Red


What is your wincon (paraphrased)?

to eliminate threats to the town