[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Are you a role that makes sense to be town?

Yeah, I won’t say what it is for fear of my life, but I am safe.

Good don’t want a claim atleast yet just curious is all.

So fair I think you are town claim 2 since Dry changed to mafia claim.

I soft claimed in my first post

er game related post


Well with that I would much rather wait for a flipping reveal over a none flipping reveal for your death atleast.

You have to trust me, I am trusting App in a way, so you have to trust me.

I trust you more now then I did before.

I have to App have info from the event over the Scum teams starting info as it makes more sense.

But if you do flip in the future as long as your correct it should pretty much confirm me so there’s that. (Would rather a living town over a dead one however)

i don’t think apprentice lied about his info because it just seems like a bad lie

they could have easily given us no info

but “cosplayer/waifu = scum” does not sound fabricated

i was explaining it in the way that makes the most sense to me. :man_shrugging:

Also with the vote count thing I have kept track of the people that have pinged/responded to the vote last.

Will post again when I get four or more posts/every few hours while am awake.

This is if Arete agrees it’s a good idea since it’s up to him in the end.

The info is real as they’d be dead after the first wolf flipped.

I’m just not sold that they did it for the sake of advancing the game-state. I wouldn’t shoot them tomorrow, but I wouldn’t towncore them as well.

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but they don’t have to give us info at all? we weren’t told what the reward was

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Okay with out this info how would be know that town and mafia work together?

Cause on either flip I wouldn’t be certain on that.

i guess you don’t have to towncore them for it

but if they’re scum they have no reason to stop us from shading anyone who claims town?

We weren’t told who as well correct?
If so I missed that.

Hmm, this makes sense. It did stop us from falsely accusing people based on role-card shit, so withholding this info would be very advantageous to the wolves.

actually, i don’t remember if eevee said that apprentice won :thinking:

You don’t have to see them as town core but if anyone shots them I will Explode them whoever they are. (Unless they flip evil of course)

Nothing was announced publicly about how people did in the event. I was told I got an A- and won in my class card