[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Derps is obviously town from how he thought he was a LW.

Blame @Marshal

WIFOM is good and all but please don’t say you are important or even hinted it.

Don’t fucking do it.

I’m not claiming as I have no idea if there’s an anti-claim or whatnot, but my role has a 1-shot day action that is extremely useful if I use it before I die.

Early ITAs should be used for killing consensus wolfy players or getting rid of slankers/dead weight

everyone yoloing hero shots is half of what lost us JoJo


I do not care

Your idiocy’s going to fuck the town up if your ITA hits.

You do realize he can’t do it until tomorrow?


my first post of D2 is ITAing you for suggesting i shouldn’t yolo ITA

its not yolo its just gamethrowing

Alice, people have townread him before for doing something they think scum wouldn’t do while he was scum. I know you weren’t in the game I’m thinking about, but I don’t townlock people that easily

I think you just always scum read me tho

This was before we realized that Mafia was part of the town.

But seriously. Don’t fucking hero ITA the following people:

Arete, Derps, Squid, Hippo, Zone, Seth, Astand, DatBird, and I.

Does it look like I’m focusing on that right now? I wouldn’t want him to be killed today, but ITAs…

No, I have better fish to fry hnngh

I will gladly ita zone too

Actually no zone is Probabaly town he just pisses me off tbh

why am i not on this list

/Pre-queue ITA Alice @eevee-sama

Add Apprentice as well.

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