[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I’ll make sure to enforce this if you die.

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I’ll make sure to ignore it either way!

How are we gonna get spice of I don’t here shoot the town PR

You get spice by shooting scum.


If your scum, I’m changing TL from Slight Good Guy to Null Bad Guy.

How does that make you feel?

Likely Town:


I was liking Alice but her reaction to Derps started to get very performative.

Probably Bad:


EVO over Cloned?

Ok I need to study pce :call_me_hand:

This one sticks out

Can you explain

He was in thread when I said everyone in thread was town

From the snapshots I’ve gotten from the thread (checking it for like 5 mins last night) he was writing semi-decent paragraphs which he struggles with as scum

EVO doesn’t interact much with people so we will lose less from killing him.

Also I still don’t like Astand

I’ve seen nothing from EVO or clonedcheese that would make me want to save them for any reason at all

Kyo can probably be expelled too as his mechanical talk has left no associations really either.

Maybe DatBird bad if Kyo is bad because that interaction between each other was pitiful tbh.


Kyo: I will ISO
Dat: ISO me
Kyo: wow datbird is datbird.


now that vanilla mafia is over i hope to see EVO more

they were pretty glaring town in that game (although i was scum so i knew they alignment) so maybe with that ending they can actually exist in this one

If you continue to tunnel me you won’t see the light of day

Very nice threats

Definitely what town does

@Luxy he’s gonna use the factional on you

No, it’s what a mafia does.
Which is precisely what I am doing.

Fmpov you are being completely and utterly useless by tunneling me.
You have given no other scumreads.

Shut up Kyo