[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I am not disclosing that information.

How many people are typically in a neighborhood?

standard neighbourhood composition is three or two members, in my experience.

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It could be a small neighborhood with only two people, or a big one with more than 2.

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Why didnt you read thread before claiming anything or posting when you realized game started assuming you thought were LW

However, there can be a lot of chat existing at once.

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because i was making up for my absence at SoD? because i always make my first few posts without reading, and I didn’t want to break my village meta?

emilia, why are your incisive “gotcha” questions we all vaguely despise you for so… dull, this game?

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I don’t believe Icibalus to be scum.

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why not

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like seriously
normally you’re on the ball, with a pin, ready to burst the ball, but these questions are much more conjectural than your usual ones.
can you explain why your gotcha questions have gone down in quality?

You could have read it first And then say you didnt? This way you open up yourself to bunch of RTs that might or might not be done Especially when We are talking about eevee game with weird mechanics

Also I remember you trying to townslip as wolf before And while I dont have many of your games to get info from I can still say this to be in your wolf range easily

wow do you seriously expect me to fall for “i have a red peek on you plesae claim” as your argument?

No I dont but you are Going into mech heavy game without Any info

you expect that to be your classic “emilia unanswerable question” designed to bait out a wolfy reaction, when it’s so obviously pure conjecture?

this is legitimately quite weird. does anybody else get that sense?

i am absolutely not sure that this is wolfy though

Icibalus mentioned discussing inside of a neighborhood, yet in that Arsonist game where we were scum they were more involved (?) inside of the neighborhood yet in deathnote they preferred a standalone-type game.
They also have a different tone, and I see Icibalus playing standalone here rather than co-ordinated

yes that might have something to do with the immense stress i’m under and the bad mood that i’m in


I think your action is Wolfy So obviously the question is Going to be framed in a way that would make you answer My read

are you okay

not in the game, in general


Don’t allow Emilia to lessen the efficiency of your questioning.
You solve their alignment here I believe if you manage to maintain composure.