[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

emilia w because their gotcha questions are weird and not as sharp as usual

eh thats not a super hot read is it

emilia annoying

i dont have an alignment read on her tho

I havent made gotchas this game

Wanted to make reads realized there was no voting And decided not to

Someone could have killing ability.

Not the point

What is your point then? It’s not like someone alignment will change overnight.

You cant read ppl by their voting

TL made a list of everyone vote on who to expel, is that good enough?

I should be sleeping, but in a way you can. If you follow the votes of people who vote for best girl then it should tell you scum.

Everyone voted arete

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If people vote in someone for best girl at later times and said best girl is scum then that must mean those who voted for said person also have a chance to be scum.

There are 22 votes in thread And 28 players that is not ok

There is a fresh election every day right? If so my idea works and if not than my idea is a load of crap.

If you are lazy then just say it and don’t try to find an excuse.

I am lazy too, if you are wondering.

There is no content to make reads from

I wonder why other people can make read then.

Nevermind, this best girl event is a one time thing.

They’re inaccurate Cuz theyre based on small amount of info with exceptions ofc