[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

…can you stop sticking to reads based on gut? They’re usually only good for RVS-like situations.

Hippo, today isn’t 1st April anymore


It has the potential to win very early

Are they specifically called 3p/Neutral or are they a cosplayer or a waifu?

Alice he’s trolling

How many people have claimed?

…are there actual 3ps or is this just a Rokugan reference?

@eevee-sama if u could since u got mod powers it be great to have the auto lock thread thing at the bottom to know how much time is left in day in a consistent spot.

Analytical of every single detail is deathtunelling?
How would you call it currently then?

It’s just a rokugan reference

my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is not actually ruined since it already sucked

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You and that’s it

Iv claimed

Someone said cosplayers and something else i forgot

It’s called “The Crying Sharkness”

Basically if anyone softs being a really sad shark vote them out ASAP.


preliminary deathtunneling :stuck_out_tongue:
got lynched d1 for accusing ppl trying to do that to me


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So am I wolfy in the interaction with you or not?

Do you agree with Derps that I should be on shot lists or not?

Who would be on your shot lists?