[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

my score was 9
how the fuck did i get second place

ok well that answers it, and based on my night actions they are slightly townier

Because we’re all idiots, darling

I didn’t get a single one correct and the one I did the site rigged itself and didn’t let me pick yuri


i did attack you last night and you’re still alive though

i slept peacefully but im intrigued as to why you’re alive

As am I. If you’re actually telling the truth, I had multiple strange actions on me.

Agree with this.

Disagree with Mist, Simon, Cloned, and maybe Ici. I’d put Squid in the do no shoot list

Rest seems fine.

I don’t know which one you think is obvious

The one I now have as lockvillage is the one I figured out the Mafia thing with and the one who was quiet is the one who freaked out about me asking about the linear algebra problem

what do the fm-modifiers mean for that role?

and I’m being summoned to dinner

see you guys in a bit

if any protective wants to claim to have saved kyo, feel free to do so, but i heavily doubt that actually happened

yet u still got on the leaderboard

I can tell you that I have no information as to how I survived your supposed attack, however.
I did not heal myself nor do I have death immunity or visit-occupation activated or whatever.

If u dont mind me saying, can i speak of the one that u heavily softed name?

how did you get that result tho

anyway i had some veeery interesting results last night

I didn’t get an interesting result, I sent one

the results were a RT to see how kyo would respond

inb4 another Rokugan joke

oh wow did your attack on kyo fail too