[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I also called Guido being mafia.

I can’t remember who but someone talked about cleaning as if it was deffo in game lol

you also found the magnet powerup
truly a steal

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Goon, they were a VT.

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I remember someone saying today that why would you use your ballot paper to vote when you can use a rifle
This is clearly what’s happening to me

presumably they claimed mafia so thats not much surprise


we need to solve this ASAP guys

Why is the D not capitalized


Oh my god
It spells KyoDaz is gay

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yo can someone who actually knows more about the circumstances regarding this guy talk about this to him? im like one of the least qualified people here to debate about this


is gay

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I will have you know I am of the heterosexual orientation, I can assure you

good job hippo you got us good

did the lying darkness just win


ez game ez life

lol, i figured it out

I read the info about mafia being majority, but I was suspicious of it a bit and risked claiming anyway. I will be back later though.

so there’s a player with the ability to send messages to players in anagrams
or eevee really likes messing with people

…I’m pretty sure that’s Hippo trolling.


so i have a question

did anyone else gain an ability last night?