[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Ur mum

why arete

at best they’re FPSing town

at worst they’re third party

What’s happening with this despair ability as well

Don’t tease me like that, Katze.

/REKT Italy

There is only one reason I kill… For the sake of protecting justice! Justice is what makes humans human… It’s a virtue that human beings should be proud of. Justice is the eternal sun…and the enduring moon… The protective father…and the smiling mother… If justice ever disappeared from this world… The world would immediately freeze, and people’s smiles would vanish… I…will not allow that…! Justice must always be there to guide us, to shine bright above our heads! So I must fight! I must continue to fight to protect justice!


in the list, check me or aretes isos I linked it already

i don’t think you heard me when i said that wouldn’t work

have you not noticed ive done nothing but RTs this game lol

What despair?

That sounds like lying darkness lmao

Fuck ur list I wanna hero shot arete

should i just claim

Don’t shoot Arete oh my god

Ami’s despair ability.

but why though

we can just lynch you italy :woman_shrugging:

hero shot arete and u prob have a bunch of shots coming at u

…if you’re being shot at, then you should have already claimed…

im a dreaming god now

oh and my life is linked to 3 remnants, if one of them dies I die.

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How do we know amis abilities?