[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

yes well your bullets are kind of useless

ooh am i one?

arete is at best FPSing town

at worst third party scum

Fuck off u always claim dreaming god

I what now

Oh. That was quite lackluster for the amount of dramatic tension it built up
I expected a half-player nuke.

so is this the part where i claim now

yes yes you’ve said
but why do you say this

did u see day 1? Cause I think ur wrong

Can you elaborate please

do it before i actually dayvig you

i have only claimed dreaming god once

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And was it real?

Yeah das what I thought dab

i have an ability that i can do at night that lets me check if a player sent a non rolecard message during the night

guess who i used it on :^)

Are you ITA immune?

Oh I always do that

My gut screams ITA arete

wow smh
i love you too hip

you don’t scare me but ok
i’m a bulletproof vest giver
they protect against daykills, nightkills and ITAs and i can choose to wear one myself, but they only last for one day/night cycle, will only protect against one kill, and i only have 3 uses
i’m very paranoid about death