[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I will be back later.

a hero shot among hero shots

Arete posted why Sulit’s likely town…

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I’m getting FM2 flashbacks.

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Hot chilly peppers!


Sorry just getting rid of my Nulls and I don’t like how you included the Vigi killed target but not the bad guy’s killed target.

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Did u not see the replies wtf

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I included both of them do you read lmao

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…TL was in Sulit’s list as the initials to his name…

its not a real shot because theres no quote





okay that one got me

I’m pretty sure Italy is Immune to this.
If he is, he’s probably Mafia and 1 mafia member shot him.

My bad.
1 Bad Guy Shot Him.

DryBones you need to add a quote from your character then shoot sulit or it doesn’t count

so far i have survived all attempts on my life
but that joke has broken through my defenses

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Oh, your quote was about ideals, not ideas.

My bad.

Whatever. I still like this scene.

Or just don’t shoot me

