[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

jgoes people want you dead

defend yourself

Let me catch up first.

Because I prefer to live


May I learn why

well that was a bad time to post that since squid just said they wanted to sleep

I can learn about this after you sleep i guess

This would go for other individuals scumreading me

this is basically half of you isn’t it


who is this pointed at


You know who you are

I just feel like you have TMI, you jump to conclusions really quickly in your read. If you want more explanation I would say ask other but what I said is why I scumread you.

From the ISO you did one would assume you would show hesitation more or just put them in Null list. But you don’t seem to consider any other possibilities and jump straight to the point.

I thought if I was ever accused of scumminess it would be because of hedging

In the two ISO’s I did earlier (and all ISO you will see from me), I tried to find any post that seemed “out of line” - those are the ones that give me scumlean or townlean

Don’t know if it was this game, but I distinctly remember me classifying one person as town on one line then saying they were scummy on the next

Yes, but it was too quick when compared to the contents of your ISO.

Tempted to shoot Kyo but gut say it’s not going to hit.

define please

In your Ici ISO only one of the post you quote is AI and you put him in slight village lean just from one post.

yes because

I see AI post => I conclude slight lean

why is this “quick”

I’m not seeing your logic here

I would expect you to quote more post before making a conclusion.

id still rather we wait for kyo to return before we gun him down

but i won’t stop you

do you seek a blessing from ITAly, god of ITAs