[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Here you go

Did you actually have a wolfread on Luxy?

Yes I am

technically true

Or was this purely a response to him “deathtunneling” you?

Did you even explain to Luxy what happened.

Why would I attack him if I didn’t believe he was scum?
Obviously I felt his tunnel and push towards me was unjustified and an attempted mislynch
If he actually had something decent to push on me for other than ‘lolonlymechanics’ then I wouldn’t have prepped an attack on him

Why would I explain if the system message does and I said daystart

But didn’t you have certain stronger reads at that time?

I wanted to go for a non-PoE shot because my attack is occupiable and healable.

That’s… exactly why you should be aiming into the PoE???

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Why would I want to aim in PoE if we have actual vigilante shots for that and I can just have myself roleblocked/the attack healed if I judge he’s village during the day?

If you’re aiming it into the PoE, we can be sure that if the kill doesn’t go through, it was because a wolf stopped it somehow, but hero shots are all up in the air. Either allignment could be responsible for the action not resolving?

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A vig shot that can be blocked and healed is just a normal vig shot!

But we don’t know that until now.

It’s a delayed vig-shot that I have to use prior to the night I want them dead?

Not only that but it’s one-shot and I’d rather use it than not at all before I die or the game ends.

Kyo, you fool, if you can turn off your own vig shots that’s only more reason to fire them into the PoE.

I can’t turn off the vig shot. There is no ‘cancel that attack’ button
Someone else has to heal or occupy me

I’m with Alice. I don’t buy this sudden switch.
I could see a world where you are a villager, given the “I am unsure I will hit a scum” post, but that world is lost to me because you told Alice to shoot Italy.
If anything, this feels like a scum wanting Italy’s BPV by pocketing him.