[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I dunno. I haven’t seen Alice “learning from her mistakes” yet, and I didn’t ISO her nor read anything about it from her when I skimmed the thread.
And your transition was simply too sudden for me when I ISO you.

Then why don’t you have a look at the reason why I want Alice dead rather than sheeping her

/vote clonedcheese

I mean, you can sense the withheld rage within these posts, and some of it leaks out
If you’re trying to say that these posts were forged then I’m sorry, but that’s a shame

And I go back to this

I don’t see a world in which Alice didn’t attempt a mislynch on Italy here.

That would be nice, if you had one. I can’t find it.

Alice pushed on Italy for vesting themselves rather than someone in towncore. See above post for why that push was terrible and looks like a mislynch attempt

Assume that I have absorbed everyone’s vote, and my vote alone is the decisive vote.
What will you do if Alice flips villager, and what will you do if she flips scum?

When Alice flips scum we’ll have mech info about scum’s classcards and be closer to victory

Wasn’t Alice supposed to like, check me or Hippo? (or was it Ici?) I remember her saying something about that.

Alice claims to be a mortician and found EVO as a mafia goon.

No? Someone check Evo and sent the results to Alice.

Oh I see.

And otherwise?

There is no otherwise.
Alice is scum.

Yeah what happened to that @Alice

Oh Alice has a Japanese name lol


Yeah, I don’t work with that.


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