[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I just got confused before as to why the posted something random.


Are there more members of your faction? Do you know?

No clue.


Yes. Your reason was “for the sake of fun”, but I don’t get why someone who thinks that way would say that “they have a reason”. In my head, people like you (who want to have fun) would just say “because I do stupid shit” immediately without saying “I have a reason”.


TG mod and programmer, which fallen appart after I left.

Okay so DryBones has to be scum here, right?

because i had a reason for doing it and ultimately it amounted to nothing after my flavor was revealed to not actually be a cat

Oh you were part of the Testing Grounds.
When did you leave it?

There is always a possibility that Dry is the actual lost wolf. (since it’s hard to believe he’d be confused with scum chat)

I’m confused.

I am literally 50~100 posts behind. Sorry for that.
But yes, Magical Girl FM is the only example I can think of.

But uh… I don’t remember you asking for an example?
You first said that “there have been cases in the past where that happened”, so I asked you to give me examples of those games. Not the other way around.

I mean we all know there’s other members of our faction but you don’t seem to know that.

I mean, the whole situation reminds me of Universal in Geyde’s game, when he scumslipped and was villager anyway.

But this time the wincon doesn’t match.

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I wasn’t told anything.

It was like here you go!
Here’s your ability!
Have fun!

I’m like.
A really powerful Town role.

Yeah it reminded me of that too but he just keeps slipping.

He should’ve realised by now.

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