[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

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Those are the people I want to know more from

why is zone in your PoE
why am i there

Why? Can I have your reasoning?

Because right now we have a PoE I’m almost certain is 80% village
Either most of scum is in nulls or it’s Arete + sulit with less in nulls

Shoot no balls

Simon has given no reads
I’ve fooled myself into faketownreading katze I think because of the relation to Arete

i have a question, not directed towards any specific player

if one players alignment was revealed, who’s alignment would give us the most information?


Probably an active one like alice tbh

Plus then we cld.all just sheep them if they’re town which wld be nice


Alice’s alignment gives us nothing to go off of.
Sulit essentially confirms whether or not Arete FPS’d as scum or not, and it also reveals a lot about that neighborhood

Not that sulit should die, but it’s the most information giving one

why do you think the PoE is 80 percent village

okay so

im self resolving

to paraphrase my ability: i die and modpeek who i pick

Hmm, then we should use it on a null-read.

doing it on sulit actually makes a lot of sense?

it’s not a Masonry

I highly doubt I misread sulit but technically it’s possible

I think Sulit is very likely town. Doing it on Kyo would help a lot.