[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Because all of my cases sound bad lmao

See im used to adding a bunch of fluff to fill out essays so it comes kinda natural to me

I wonder why

Im legit talking about like every single case iv ever mad lmao wtf even is this shade

well i got like 500 posts to catch up on. I dont think the number dipped which is sad

The only memorable one was the one on Astand and DryBones

And that isn’t because it’s good
That’s because it’s… unique and at least it’s not people in PoE

again Im talking abot any case Iv made ever kyo

Who are those on again?

Like 90% of the players on the fourms???

Oh right, not just this game
I see

I just don’t really know how to effectivley build a case

Assumptions will kill your case
Variables will kill your case

Can I assume none of you active people did this then?

I really don’t Like Astand and Dry interactions will someone do me a favor and re-read them and tell me if im crazy

i completely disagree, iirc it say target

That means it would be atrgetable imo

I have no clue on reading Mist, but does this progression feel off to anyone else?

do we have to invite hosts to send the dm?

No you do not.

easiest win of my life