[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I think my impression from cloned’s post is that I’m not convinced that it was villagery solving.

Aside from commenting on several shots without conclusion (why?), I feel the ratio of description of events to actually analyzing them falls on lower side.
As well as the feeling he picked rather small and strange reasons for the conclusions he did reach.

Why did you decide to approach the analysis in the exact manner you did, commenting on every shot made without regard to usefulness?

if they said they had more than one ita why wouldnt they use it. Also just because mod acknowledges the ita doesnt mean it hits as most said nothing but a pic in reply unlike all other itas

On higher side.

doesnt mean it shot*

If they had more ITAs, they’d use it to shoot villagers.
Otherwise what’s the point.

this being posted right after my RT as a means of making it sound like it was useless comes off to me as shade

@clonedcheese How aware were you of Dry status in the thread when making the read on him?

  1. This isn’t shading. He does pull a lot of these mechanical tricks as W and I pointed this out.
  2. I wasn’t shading Boss, I was just making a mental note that I’ll wait until d2 to read him. I was not making any form of read on him as I wanted to wait until the next day when we’d have a lynch.
  3. I was being far more direct with Emilia this entire game. This isn’t shading.

This isn’t shading. Shading is to cast suspicion on people indirectly. I was calling your and Seth’s RT dumb because neither of them accomplished anything.

Shading probably isn’t the best word but I don’t know how to descrive it. Its just kinda the way you push?

I meant mashes. Replace that word with mashes. Mashes have far more people so I don’t try to read others as in-depth as normal games.

Now is that out of Town!Alices range?

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What do you mean

The way shes been pushing this game, does these type of pushes feel out of her Town gameplay range, like something she would never or has never done as town

I wouldnt say never do, Its the fact that shes doing it consistently

So what town game are you comparing to?


wait no you said town

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No specific game just overall playing with them

I did skim poison and the pushes just felt drastically different