[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Not really

but hippo shes self resolving

Because you do not have a case that I am not town.

I have been very pro-town and transparent with my thought process here.

And I am not attacking your character, I am attacking your reaction test.

Is she actually tho lol

according to her claim yes


??? what

Or maybe because poor play pisses me off regardless of alignment?

SFIV, LotR. Yes, I can get arrogant when I get heated, but this is completely NAI.

Scumreading not wanting to be checked is a pretty logical thing to do. Not always correct but it’s not stupid.

The point is that your reaction test was quite bad. Yes, I went overboard on citing the Dunning-Kruger effect, but the point still stands.

It’s a 1-shot that would also killed Katze, another player that I’m townreading. That would be just dumb to use on me since only Derps was scumreading me back then.

Yeah I agree but the logic of “not wanting to be checked spews bad” is not insane.


this entire fucking push has been planned for hours because i wanted to have a more confident read on your alignment

the RT was half made to see how you’d react and do a push based off of that

i didn’t like your reaction to the initial RT, yes, but i exaggerated it to see how you’d react to the pressure

and now im “pushing” you again and threatening to ITA you to see if you’re actually gonna convince me of your alignment

and all you’ve done is convince me you have anger issues

…it’s okay. I’ll take my time.

We have alignment fights, mod fights, and “u trash lmao” fights. What next?

Logically we gonna have an irl fight in this thread soon

Hippo im coming to the UK to kick ur butt

Something isn’t right here

/vote sirderpsalot



What have you done to me
Voted Voters Votes
Italy Katze 1
Cloned Astand 1
Astand Derps, Drybones 2
Icibalus Arete, Alice 2
Derps Hippo 1

The lynch is decided by plurality today.

(also pingus me or someone if i missed your vote)