[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

can you give more details about this passive?

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…what is it now?

Did you visit kat?

uhhh, basically i can announce to somebody if i visit at night


So you effectively become a fruit vendor?

no its in addition to any night abilities i may or may not have

so basically, the Loud modifier except voluntary? or…?

You know how I wanted to claim to kinda see to see how you would interpret someones actions. Well I slept peacefully but made Cloned visit me hoping to draw a kill or poison. His claim along with me making me have slept peacefully makes me semi believe he’s in the safer area. I was trying to draw a claim to see if anything would mismatch with my information. So as long as no one claims to have visited me we would be good

Looks like we have another watcher claim on katze?

I still got “noone visited your target” so…

i pick a player and tell them who i visit

if i want to

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this makes no sense for katze to lie about having because its provable so I can only assume cloned is lying or that whoever gave the passive is a ninja

The first option seems more likely

Do investigators know if they are redirected?

Ok what the fuck



well clearly not

i was not informed if i was occupied so i would assume not

minimal feedback so I would expect not. wAS ABOUT TO VOTE HIM WHEN HE SAID IT WAS KATZE TIL HE REVEALED YOUR TARGET. sorry about caps dont feel like rewriting it

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I’m also pretty sure Kyo has some sort of ITA immunity how many has he survived now wtf

Investigators wouldn’t be told if they were redirected

So unless someone else visited DatBird the mechanical claim is at least probably true