[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

are you not PoE

im fine with anyone in PoE getting shot those are just the names that come to mind since its the top 2 wagons and then my top personal scumread

Apparently they can’t put up a real fight.



Asking someone to shoot isn’t bad, we want shots as early in the day to get more info on lych and speed things up. In poisonous and nightless I was asking people to quickhammer loads to speed things up but I didnt do that once in evo.

Why? Cuz it’s often scumread and i didnt wanna risk it in a scumgame. ‘Metaread’ that bitches.

My man

wait we finally fucking hit him

after like… 18~ ITAs we finally hit our second one

icibalus is the chosen one


Asuna Yuuki

Mafia 1-shot ransomer poison healer

Knights of the blood oath (Passive) - You know there are other members of your faction, but you don’t know them and they don’t know you.

Star Splash (Night) - Target a player, they will be attacked the night after. They are informed of the coming attack. - 1 use

Mother’s Rosario (Day) - Target one person, healing them from poison.

Wincon: Eliminate all threats to the mafia.

i saw red and got excited for a second

wait kyo fucking picked a SAO character that means my shot was justi-

Doubt it

i’m honestly not that surprised but like
he would have just caused more problems had we kept him alive

@arete dno if you’re lurking but kyo got deaded

Wow, my theory is actually correct?

Well my original read on kyo was right but tbf the mech info against him was p damning

and yeah @Arete i am post facto justifying my own villager shot, what are you going to do about it?
it’s better that he dies to a shot now and doesn’t waste anybody else’s.

hi yes I am here

From this point onwards. If you ITA someone add a picture to it. It will probably increase your ITA chance, as proven by Ici and Italy.

this is disgusting


I demand an explanation as to why you picked an SAO character.

i honestly do not give a damn what anybody thinks