[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

the problem isn’t the post facto justification

the problem is the before-the-fact justification

Images do not affect ITA chances.


it’s a pity that that was my literal reason for shooting him, isn’t it.

and specifically the fact that it was written as if you knew he was flipping V

So I can’t ITA because of my character


look, on a purely mechanical perspective and based on actions, kyo was obviously w, but i read him as TWTBAW. I was trying to justify to myself why I was going with one perspective over the other with internal brinksmanship.

one of three animes I know

@icibalus what is your ITA chance on your classcard?

It’s default ITA chance, which I assume is 15%?

so, paraphrased, your classcard says “your ITA chance is default”?

not exactly

…did any of the other flips specify an ITA chance?

it’s more that i’m just fucking assuming that i have default chance because, guess what, it doesn’t say on my card anywhere.

No, but let’s hear Ici explanation.

this seems like a very convoluted way of saying “my classcard doesnt mention my ITA chance”

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The argument of ‘hippo didnt intervene when alice was being toxic like last time when he was town’ is so dumb because last time it happened to me and it was the first time I’d seen it. This time she wasnt going off at me and I’d seen it happen before, intervened, and it didnt change anything so why would I bother here. How the hell does that me scum?

I cant believe people consider that people intervening when someones being rude is alignment indicative.

I think Blue’s is the only one that mentioned ITA chance

i don’t even get what this reaction test is even supposed to say? it appears to be just like, a generic gotcha factory

Also, I think it’s time we look in the top town list?

Honestly, good riddance