[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

You aren’t in position to fps when you are at the bottom of PoE.

Imagine you are a villager, you say you have no defense for yourself, but you’d shoot at night.
And tomorrow you just say you lied.
This makes no sense as a villager play.

And if you are planning to keep the claim, I have trouble believing it.
So it’s problematic either way.

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Well, he explained his reasons on me and talk with me for a while but never explained the one on you or Ici.

Prolly cuz i said i townread you a few times and so did ici

as i said
just put in the nails
i mucked it up

my play has been total shit and i’m not proud of it

So you give up completely at this point?

Isn’t that a natural stuff to do?

Yeah which is why his theory is dumb

I mean, this post makes perfect sense from wolf perspective and would be completely genuine.

@Ami if ur good it’s gonna be kinda annoying cuz we’ll have to lynch u if u dont rlly do anything and we’re already on track to losing

Wouldn’t she at least put up a fight if she are a wolf? It’s not like she is the top wagon.

Actually, Ami is asking for us to give her a time so she can do cool stuff tonight.

Why is there so many “confirmable” role this game?

You could ask the same question if she was a villager.

Giving up is wolfy to do because of possibility of going into antispew.
Maybe she doesn’t have faith in her ability to do anything in the game rn/doesn’t have time/not motivated.
Stuff like that happens.

And giving up at this point in time doesn’t actually make much sense.

There is still a very defense remaining, but Ami didn’t even consider it. (won’t say what it is)

very easy defense*

I still think we kill alice today

Honestly I don’t buy it that there is another role that can confirm themselves tonight, you should be able to confirm yourself already and not go “please give me another night.”

Did alice claim who they were loverised too

They claim they didn’t find their target, so supposedly no one, since ability failed on gorta.

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Why is she targeting Gorta who is supposed to be a PR that can confirm himself (from what I remember) again?