[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I’m pretty sure Derps and you have been agreeing among almost all the same things and that’s including the fact that Derps defended when you were saying your rolecard was green

but only some of them apparently

Whos derps im Doppo Kunikida

I could say the same thing with you and Zone.
Do you think I’m wrong?
What don’t you agree with Zone in then?

WOW would you look at that!
Zone and PS stopped talking!


So you TR Derps based solely on the fact that he is with you against me,
and then you give out the possibility of me as a “good guy”, meaning that you don’t even believe 100% that I am a “bad guy”? WTF dude. You’re literally stating that you’re ready to throw away your TR on Derps after my flip gets revealed.

At the very least I know that I am most likely talking to some dumdum villager who PERSISTENTLY says that he is TOWN even though WE LITERALLY KEPT SAYING NOT TO CALL YOURSELF THAT, FOR OVER HALF AN HOUR.

But of course! Because your words HAVE to be right. There is NO WAY you are wrong. There is NO WAY that I actually have a shitty personality. I HAVE to be “the perfect player, capable of talking properly”, so as a “good guy” I HAVE to talk with proper behavior.

–says the person who hasn’t played with me in months.

I won the event because I’m the real nerd here. I get to ask host one mechanics-based question about the game and it will be answered truthfully. Any ideas?

Ask about the Informed Minority’s wincondition in my opinion.

‘what are the names of all factions that are threats to the Mafia’

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I’m in VRChat, you’re actually sounding desperate

Dad! A city! I see a city!

going to go with Arete’s suggestion pretty soon if I don’t hear something better

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  • clarifies the Town thing
  • reveals if the game is multiball or not

I like aretes suggestion. I would ask it quickly, as to not get behind.

…that one moment when I am being ordered to brush my teeth. This shit happens.
@Arete, I don’t know what scum’s or villa’s agenda are, but I WILL MAKE IT MY MISSION TO KILL, EXECUTE, EXILE, LYNCH, AND MURDER DRYBONES IN EVERY POSSIBLE WAY.

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Please, get a room in town!


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I thought you were older than me

admittedly I have no idea why I thought that but

Have you not seen me arguing with Zone earlier?