[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

I really think TL needs to go though.

please help me im still lost and its ruining my motivation

Request denied.

sulit lock-bad-guys

Yeah TL I gave you a chance its time for you too go

Denial denied!

nvm sulit is a good guy

Dude you gave me and hour i didn’t even know the game was starting today and it’s my busyest day this week.


anyway can like, 3 more of you claim your alignment?

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Yeah I don’t like you. Im vigging you. Its a public vig so gimme a sec to make sure I do it correctly

The names of all factions that are a threat to the Mafia:



Mafia is not anti-Town

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I’m happy!

im a mafia goon.

this also indicates the game is multiball

which isn’t great because it makes it easier for scum to look village by hunting for the other scum faction


Doppo Poetry!

/Vig TrustworthyLiberal @eevee-sama

am i the only one who didnt know this game was bastard signing up

something something reactiontest