[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

i must not have read the original op lol


so this indicates that town are also a thing

Did you just-

Correct meaning we can win with town. Town might still be a neutral faction but it definitely isn’t an NK faction

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what someone said they were the good guys

or did i fuck up lol

Now we wait for eevee

No, I mean you just full claimed, not just the faction

with 4 confirmed factions it’s basically certainly multiball unless it’s Neutral, Village, Scum, and Neutral Killer has its own faction

oh shit yeah

squid he claimed mafia goon…

orange told me this is tanking his opinion of me and I feel like I’m being silently judged so I’m going to stop now

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but y would anyone waste a claim vig on a goon thats dumb

if that was a real vig I’ll eat a desk

also if im the first person to say goons are the equivelant of citizens someone pls welcome me to towncore with confetti or something

… Do you know why I’m concerned about that?

You really belive his claim? lmao

oh and look eevee is here :slight_smile:

Bye @TrustworthyLiberal

Orginal OP is back up.

With one change: Firekitten and orangeandblack5 are cohosts now.

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