[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

what i dont scumread you


chance of u dying was v low

Why the fuck do you think I picked the monster that sounded the stronger?

  • Hydra
  • Minotaur
  • Skeleton
  • Slime

Are all still alive.

Well u said it earlier. I saw u townread me after Kat townread cloned for some reason. But I still want an explanation

Are you sure? I felt comfortable just reading the thread as slow as possible to get the vote count.

i picked dragon too cuz it was clearly weakest lmao


Vote Count

Voted Voters Votes
Alice Derps, Sulit, , Simon, Katze Gorta Jgoes Cloned Hippo Apprentice 9
Jgoes Boss 1
Ici Luxy, Datbird Poisionedsquid Drybones Ami Arete Alice 7
Ami Astand 1

Bullshit, in RPGs slimes are usually the weakest with dragons the strongest.

Alice stopped self-voting


@alice I thought you changed vote but I can’t find it

I’m voting Ici.

1 Like

Oh right, dead monsters can’t counterattack, due to being… dead.

@Boss110 get off your vanity wagon and pick a side


Whatever, once I’m dead kill Ici/Simon/Hippo/Apprentice. Everyone on Ici’s wagon should be cleared.

i just saw dragon looks hardest so it willend up being easiest

Bullshit. This isn’t intuitive at all.