[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


wish there was death risk

did I miss the event because I was grabbing dinner?


Right and that part IS true as I did get a good with Kyo. I also got a hood with X and still alive.

So the implication is you don’t give vests/life X does. And you’re buddies with X (Player B)


i don’t really see your logic here
there can be more than one protective in a game it’s not some unspoken law of the heavens that you can only have one

Now I am waiting on Player B to claim in my hood.

If they don’t claim life giver then we have to figure out how I am alive and you don’t have a hood with me.

If they do claim life giver that’s gonna be weird.

I am using life giver.

Did you give me this vest during the night or during the day?

I literally know Math’s exact role btw and I’m like 90% sure he’s good. Italy he’s saying you can’t have visited him since you’re not in his neighborhood.

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Using life giver for healer/vest giver/what not

during night

Technically I get a hood with each player if they visit me with certain requirements.

eh I might not know your exact role then although I still think I might

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You can die then, if it was day you’d be excused but I don’t have a hood with you. So you’re banking on player B being scum and stopping the neighborize of you and me and healing me. Or someone blocking only the neighborize part of you so they’d have to make you ninja.

are you deaf
the LOGICAL EXPLANATION is that i was stopped and somebody else protected you

If you know that then you know I left a big hint as to who Player B is. Maybe you can find it.

I know your likely role based on other game mechanics but I’ll see if I find it

Which is why I am waiting on Person B’s claim. I just don’t think what you’re saying adds up.

personally i’m more worried about who stopped me
who stops a three shot BPV giver claim when they’re trying to save a life

My mantra is put first things first. See if that helps you find Player B.

…see my assumption from that + your Iso would be that Player B is me

but I’m not in a hood with you
