[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Who I want dead in Girls the most: Sulit


hey that’s my theory, don’t steal it.

So not me, what?

It can get you called scum, but if you defend yourself well enough then it can resolve your alignment. I just like to know someones motive for living. If it seems genuine I might spare said life in that scenario. I am not sure what Arete would do, but I am sure some kind of defense might change her opinion

wasn’t in DR and only read a few pages of it (…which to be fair was enough to confidently peg them as W from their obvious TMI)

do you think they’re playing meaningfully more villagerier than they were in MU Marson?

pretend that’s a coherent sentence please

sulit’s a spicy kill and it’s also my preferred one not having read much

I mean

I don’t have an answer, which I already said

I’m not sure why you’re following this line of questioning

Lendun has barely done anything, so I don’t think I have much basis to read on you. Plus, I don’t remember anything that sulit has posted. That’s pretty unusual

Everyone else seems eh

lol imagine being self aware being a bad thing

sulit is poisoned per the SoD announcement

and also she was villagery in my neighborhood

@Arete Do you want me to shoot Sulit or not?

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I blocked marson out of my memory mostly

lendu tends to have a better idea of where to push as wolf, them being totally lost (heh) here makes them >rand v

That’s a no then.


Fwiw I didn’t cheat on the last one

cool cool

I just wanna take someone out of y’all PoE before you take me out of it.

@Arete You asked whenever I am in a neighborhood chat with Ici or not and I already answered it. Do you have any more question?


I’m gonna go sleep now

If you have anything you want me to read overnight please ping me I probably won’t be reading the whole thread

like I acknowledge that she hasn’t been villagery in the thread but she had a couple posts in our neighborhood that I don’t think she could make as W

I guess if Waifu and Cosplay are opposed that’s less true because she’d actually be able to solve and have it be real