[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

Shoot me first if you’re going to shoot between us so I can flip

theoretically yes? but most of your case on him seems to be based on interactions with Apprentice

After this game ends I probably won’t play another for a few weeks.

which would make Apprentice a strictly better shot? I think?

Why are you aiming at me?

I’m a strictly better shot unless gorta is scum

Like I said, I trust d1 App, but I also admit that post d1 App could have been converted.

I don’t have to shoot but orange said he was about to go to bed so if I don’t shoot now I don’t get to find out if it hit

Yes but no, they’re both individually scummy.

Gorta is protecting App yes. But he keeps saying in general I am scum sans reasons and I have presented where other people say I am town mechanically and he ignores it. This may come from TMI that they aren’t on the same team or defending a partner too early to call.

App is way too mechanics based in speech and says his reads are based on mechanics yet Italy read has those same mechanics in play yet no stance.

They’re both individually scummy

You can’t shoot later today like when mods back awake because?

You have to understand that I am a paranoid individual. It took me a day or so to trust app.

that is also an option

Paranoia is understandable. Not interacting with what you’re given is not.

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I don’t think this is a quote a wolf writes about their partner

could be a quote a wolf writes about someone they have TMI isn’t their partner

In my eyes that doesn’t clear you (because paranoia).

Nah. This could still be TMI took a day to convert App

Gorta, without claiming your role (I think I have a good idea what it is), who did you target each night?

That’s like literally saying 2+2 != 4 because paranoia.

If you were actually paranoid you’d be trying to figure out how I am scum.

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Not just baseless accusation.

Hi Priestess. You can say words instead of just likes Ami?