[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?


on that note


Like I don’t get why you think I’m scum. I’m literally the only one who has advanced this game for village at all. I’ve figured out scum factions and killed the only scum. I don’t know why you have any reason to think I’m scum. How in the world can you think Town is a scum faction at this point? Katze was literally an IC.

for what it’s worth I don’t actually think the mechanical case for you as town holds because if either town + Cosplayers or waifu + Cosplayers are scum and can’t win together, then one scum faction could have blocked it with you being in the other

just, I townread you for social reasons

I’m take like 5 minutes I’m getting way too pissed of rn and might say something stupid. Be back in a bit

This is the case that never ends…it goes on and on my friends…where Math is do oooold they can’t recognize their friend

confused Arete noises

Priestess isn’t in the game

I was thinking Ami = Priestess

hence the :man_facepalming:

You and Sulit

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i’m currently busy with my shitty dating games


sure is a thing to think


You could be a misguided village, but I also think you could be scum. I did say I have a null read of you.

sorry I’m not trying to make fun of you, it probably came across that way, just they’ve both spent the last several months fighting with each other so from that perspective it Sure Is A Thing To Think

  1. Didnt read 9000 posts
    How was Katze an IC?

  2. Youre claiming you figured out the scum factions and I dispute that claim.

  3. Because mafia have the passive don’t know others. Town doesn’t seem to have that

>misguided villa
pick one


I haven’t been on site in months

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I don’t know Math well enough.

Last time I was here I got sick and ultimately forgot about this site.