[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

If I was a killer they would have died. You claimed to form a hood with any protector/healer who visits you. Can’t you just put 2 + 2 together?

It’s possible just not probable. Occam’s razor says you’re lying and you’re still trying to convince me otherwise instead of scum hunting. Why?

there’s a reason for me not dying but if scum haven’t tried to kill me it’s minus-EV to out it? I told sulit in our neighborhood

that’s kind of the problem

never mind I read down a bit

the problem with that logic is that no one confirms for certain who you visited

I also don’t like math’s anti-town sentiment.

  1. Maybe you killed IC over them?
    1b) Maybe you’re cult not killer?
    1c) Maybe other priorities of buddies?
    1d) not my exact claim

Hooo boy you’re on a roll.

If I visited you and Sulit and y’all aren’t dead then I can’t be a killer. That’s what I am getting at.

Correct. I have an antiTown sentiment. I am mafia, who doesn’t trust App. Therefore anyone who claims not mafia can very well be a threat.

I’ve literally posted my reads on the entire player list, said who I think should be ITA’d today, and have been the only one to flip a scum and you’re accusing me of not scum hunting and lying. Like I can’t fathom what in the world you’re thinking

yes I figured that out

the problem with that is that just because you say you visited us, doesn’t mean you actually visited us

Yes. Your list is incorrect because you read me on mechanics yet to read me requires a read on Italy which you have none. Anyone can post an entire list of garbage.

What are you actually doing to hunt?

How is it? I use these words like you do when you make a scum read. We said Emilia might be scum, but we were wrong. I am not saying that my reads are 100% truthful, but that they might be truthful.

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Wow so gorta says they may be lying to us…Wolfy AF

Because none of what I think Italy has said is AI??? And I think what you have said is. And I literally just fucking posted what I’ve done.

I don’t think that’s what he’s saying

I’m back after some practicing

What happened an hour ago was not something I wanted to check up on right before going to bed

Which is nothing but post a demonstrably inaccurate read wall since I have came in the game. Awesome guess you’re not scum /s

I understand that, but what reason would I have to lie and if I was cult as math has been suggesting then you wouldn’t be saying this stuff to me.