[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

As orange said, it was a miss.


oh I thought that was a meme so I went silent.

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Well make no one able to visit me isnt quite ascetic but still would have been fucking horrible. So glad Gorta is dead #noRegrets.

With Gorta now dead and clearly lying about his “confirm” ability it’s pretty clear that Town is scum and just didn’t want me to be visited tonight. The question becomes why?

Now to find who else claimed Town.

Oh wait I am dumb.

/vote App

With Gorta clearly lying about wanting to confirm himself that means that they want to prevent something which means my theory is correct and scum know what happened and why I am alive.

So therefore no risk since they know how I was saved.

This means that town is existentially a threat to us and App lied.

You shot a Town and you’re only just realising your dumb?

Granted we don’t know if Town is a threat or not.

Oh no. Town = scum.

Flip above proves it.

What if we’re actually a threat to the Town but we’re still the majority.

What do you mean it was fucking horrible? Nobody could’ve visited you. Not even attackers!

WTF do you mean Town is scum? Apprentice told us that our enemies are Cosplayers and Waifus!
Why the hell do you want to continue waging war with Town!?

This does feel like a scum action but I feel like it would have more or less something like:
Star Platinum (Night) - Use your superhuman-like senses and strength from your stand to prevent all visits except your fellow faction members to your target.

I’m agreeing with Math slightly here, but I’m also not, to say the least.

I feel like yes, we are enemies with Cosplayers and Waifus but I still feel like there’s something up with Town.

Exactly! Gorta couldn’t “confirm” himself with this. And it’s horrible for a lot of other reasons. Gorta was stalling and lying and therefore a threat to mafia.

By the way @Wazza, I’m going a bit off topic, but who was it that wanted Alice dead again?

Except we have proof Gorta was a threat to mafia and a proven liar and you’re all sure Town is fine?


I only joined this game N2.

What do you mean “there is something up with Town”? Do you need Apprentice to die and flip first before you can see that WE ARE LOSING VILLAGERS!?

He couldn’t confirm himself, BUT THAT WASN’T A REASON TO KILL HIM.
Also, WTF do you mean he was lying and stalling? He looked like a bad newbie!
Of course I don’t trust him, but we could’ve focused on other people!

He said the reason for himself to stay alive was that he would confirm himself tonight. So since he can’t he is clearly lying scum.