[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

not like I care about y’all if you are the scum faction.

1200 posts

You guys

What happened

Where is the proof Gorta is a threat to Mafia?
Where is the proof of him lying? (DO NOT GIVE ANYTHING THAT SAYS “Whoops. I misread you. Sorry.”)

Welp. @Arete, can you answer this question then?

He said this several times.

Him stopping all visits including his own would not confirm him.

He was lying scum who didn’t want me visited.

WTF BS LOGIC IS THIS!? His reasoning to prove himself tonight is BS since it only proves his role and not his alignment, but OF COURSE HE CAN’T PROVE HIMSELF NOW, BECAUSE HE’S FUCKING DEAD, YOU MORON!

/hug Wazza


I am in the game. XD /half joke

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I really want to read them all but I should also start on school stuff

You can’t hug me.

Besides why the fuck are you so triggerhappy about me being happy if a scum dies?

He never could.

Prevents all visits. This includes himself.

So he was lying the entire time.

Which means town has an agenda that Town doesn’t want people visiting me.

Math subbed Luxy. Battle between Gorta and Math. Math shot Gorta. Gorta flipped Town. Math believes Town is scum.
Wazza subbed lendun. Wazza claims Mafia Goon. Wazza is following Math.


Thank u

There’s some introductory steps before that where I catch up.

I’m following Arete, not Math.

Math agrees with my idea from earlier and I agree with this one he suggested.

Wait what idea?

You suggested what I suggested.
Of course not intentionally agreeing but it was the same idea either way.
(Talking about the Waifu’s and Cosplayers from earlier)

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@Zone_Q11 <<This here.

Gorta could never be confirmed.

This means he had a plot. Having an evil plot makes you not villagery, being not villagery makes Town a threat to me as I am villagery,

/hug MathBlade
Fuck you and your BS logic. Do you really think that a Rolestopper can’t visit the role he’s targeting!?

Out of all the people I can’t ITA… @Arete! KILL WAZZA!

I am not triggerhappy about you being “happy” if scum dies. I am TRIGGERhappy BECAUSE YOU DON’T CARE about ANYTHING if I am in the scum faction, WITHOUT CONSIDERING WHAT HAPPENS IF I AM VILLAGER, YOU DUMDUM.

Thanks and yep.

With Gorta being confirmed scum that was lying to stop visits to me looks like cat’s out of the bag. Gonna have to talk with Boss later but yeah Gorta’s flip is pretty much a scum claim.

That doesn’t say you perform a rolestop. That says prevent all visits.

Boss delayed visits to me by a day.
Outing that in case I die.