[FM] Anime FM - Game Thread - Non anime won... yay?

it’s zone
he’s prob on his period

Not cool Ami.

Would it be gamethrowing to lolcat as town

Zone is weird but what happened in that event to make people agree with me? Like what is going on?



Are you village or Town?

^ Yep. What Ami said.

I can’t mech!prove you as scum, but your logic does not make sense. Hence, I want you dead.
I do not wish to become a better player. eevee gave up on me. NinjaPenguin gave up on me. Many others gave up on me. So why bother becoming better when I can become worse instead?
–dumb AtE aside; I REALLY don’t need nor want your help.

Yep. I’m on my Village Idiot Period.
So now I will make sure that you will die.
I had hoped that both of us died in the event like DryBones did, but I guess I just can’t die yet.

I never agreed with you. What are you even talking about?

My logic does. So far you seem to be the only one not following where I came from.

Others disagree but A>>B>>C computes.

You can disagree with the conclusion but the intermediary facts are unassailable.

Eg Ici if they inherit another cult leader would have to have their wincon changed. If another cult existed he couldn’t win as his original alignment ergo likely no second cult exists.

People as in Ami suggesting App is scum.

It’s also quite unassailable mechanically I am likely village. If you want to mislynch me you’re going to have to confront that, and when you try you’ll see how stupid this is.

And you may not think that but I want everyone here better. You can complain all you like but I always try to help everyone.

Dude. Your logic was literally disproven by the host. GORTA WAS ROLESTOPPER.

What is this even about? Who cares if cult exists or not? Only Gorta cared about dumb stuff like that.

Oh, I never agreed to those. Dunno about others; don’t care either.

My actions and myself are already stupid. I am prepared to tunnel both you and Ami, even if I end up being wrong. You literally can’t scare me off using that tactic.

Don’t be a goodie-two-shoes and don’t act like one either.
If everything were to be happy-go-lucky then @Ami would’ve ignored me like everyone else instead of actually talking back to me. Good character, wasteful action.

I am not trying to scare you off. I am trying to tell you how to mislynch me if you want to.

The Rolestopper was ruled imho incorrectly by the host and doesn’t follow the role PM. Regardless everything else is still true and G was a good shot. I gotta clock in now so later.

But seriously wtf are you doing?

Acoording to everyone else scum

Too bad I am a goodie two shoes irl

NGL kinda sad people think i’m this bad at scum tho

be gay do crime